9. UFOs And Aliens

I asked the Seven Siddhas about UFOs, aliens, Yugas, and lokas. Miki and Junko talked about UFOs, aliens, and energies from star constellations often, and I didn’t really understand if they were speaking symbolically or if they knew something that I had little awareness about. Whenever I spoke to spiritual people who talked about UFOs, aliens, and spirituality, I found them to be very unbalanced and weird, but Miki and Junko are bright, powerful, and have true spiritual insight.

Now, I have some awareness of these things, I have actually seen a UFO. I saw an orange, glowing cigar-shaped flying object fly quickly from the horizon to the sky above me. There it stopped for a few seconds, slowly ascended in the sky, and then shot off at an incredible speed. I have also seen aliens. One of my students was being abducted from time to time by gray aliens with large almond-shaped eyes. When she reported beings harassing her, I thought they maybe demons, so I kept watch inwardly. A few weeks later I sensed her distress and went to assist in my astral body. There I found four of these grey aliens doing some kind of tests on her, as she lay on a table. I observed for a short while to determine if they were being harmful. They didn’t seem to cause any harm, but it was bothersome to my student. It was stressful for her. So I took her off the table and brought her home. The aliens didn’t try to stop me and she had never been bothered by them again.

This post comes from my notes after speaking with the Seven Siddhas.

From my Notes:

Sharing my experiences, and knowledge about Hyperborea, the Purple World, and higher lokas — I asked the Seven if they had any knowledge about these things. They casually told me that the cigar-shaped UFO I saw came from Gandharvaloka and that it was from the Chitrasena Federation. Before I knew how to react or ask my next question, the Seven told me that the Greys come from a star system known as Zeta Reticuli, but that they actually exist in another dimension. Seeing my bemusement, they spoke to me of the broader context of aliens, lokas, and time.

Introduction to the Universe

The Seven Siddhas said that the lokas of Vedic cosmology are not abstract spiritual realms, but tangible locations within our cosmos – specific stars, constellations, star systems, and galaxies. So lokas are accessible through interstellar travel, much like terrestrial locations. The lokas such as Gandharvaloka and Bhuvarloka correspond to celestial bodies like Sirius, the Pleiades, Andromeda, and Arcturus. These star systems are home to beings that possess advanced capabilities both spiritual and technological. Humans once called them gods, angels, and dakinis, but now see them as aliens.

They mentioned that the Ramayana was a historical account of human interactions with these advanced beings. In the Ramayana, they used advanced technologies and interdimensional spiritual powers. Lanka, for example, was not just an island kingdom but a location in the Orion constellation, so the story of Hanuman making a magical leap to go there takes on a new meaning. The Seven also said that Rama’s army of animals was actualy and army of aliens, beings form the Gandharvaloka, and that Pushpaka, Rama’s flying chariot was like the Millenioum Falcon. They said that the Vimanas spoken of in the Vedas, Parunas, and the Vaimanika Shastra, described to be divine chariots, are infact what we call UFOs today.

They also told me about what I knew as Hyperborea, the Warrior-Cycle, as my teacher called it, or the “Time of Violence” Buddha called it in his teachings. The Seven said it was the War of Tarakamaya, detailed in the Puranas, a war between the Devas (higher beings) from Svargaloka (Lyra) and the Asuras (lower beings) from Patalaloka (Triangulum Galaxy). This battle spanned galaxies and lokas and involved complex interstellar politics and warfare, ultimately leading to a new period of peace and balance across the universe. While I thought Hyperborea was a loka of the past, the Seven described it as a time that affected many lokas.

The Seven also spoke of the Purple World, located in the Hydra constellation. They said that the Purple World, known as the Nagaloka in the Vedas, with its dragons and mystical creatures, exists now. They said that time is not linear and that space and lokas are all one. They said that even our views of self karma and incarnations is false, and that we all are the one, god, the self, and have endless histories and pathways. Finally they said that in our Buddhist school’s structures, it’s most balanced and developmental to just focus on the moment and deal with what arises in the mind now.

Space and Lokas

The Seven Siddhas said that the higher lokas are in the stars. We can access them in our physical universe. Like places of power on earth, these physical places in the physical universe radically change your awareness if you visit them.

The Lokas of Vedic cosmology are accessible through the tangible locations within the physical universe. The higher realms are linked to different constellations and galaxies. There is a spatial dimension to these spiritual states.

Gandharvaloka is associated with celestial musicians and artists, embodying beauty, creativity, and divine art within Vedic cosmology. Sirius and the Pleiades star cluster are physical places in the sky that connect to the civilizations of the Gandharvaloka. The Pleiades, often recognized by contemporary spiritualists as a hub of spiritual light and artistic inspiration, align with the qualities of Gandharvaloka. This linkage is drawn from their mutual characteristics of heightened spiritual energy, creativity, and enlightenment. Sirius, regarded by contemporary spiritualists as the “spiritual sun” is Gandharvaloka’s essence of divine artistry and supernatural abilities.

Bhuvarloka serves as an intermediary realm in Vedic cosmology, facilitating the spiritual growth and ascension of souls. The Andromeda galaxy and Arcturus are physical places in the sky that connect to the civilizations of the Bhuvarloka. Bhuvarloka/Andromeda galaxy is a transitional space for spiritual advancement and a seat of higher consciousness and cosmic evolution. Bhuvarloka/Arcturus is where we can see higher advanced spiritual states, enlightened siddhis, and technological advancement.


Within the framework of Vedic cosmology, Gandharvas from Gandharvaloka and beings from Bhuvarloka are in fact what we refer to as “space aliens”. These celestial entities, with their supernatural abilities and ethereal origins, possess qualities that are attributed to extraterrestrial beings in our contemporary understanding.

The beings we once called gods, ascended masters, and dakinis, and now think of as aliens, are visitors from higher dimensions within the Vedic framework, here to assist in our spiritual and evolutionary journeys. Their interactions with humanity are not just mythical but are ongoing relationships that continue to influence and inspire our collective growth towards greater cosmic understanding.

Gandharvas, the inhabitants of Gandharvaloka are essentially alien beings known for their divine artistry. Gandharvas are male and female, with the males often portrayed as warriors and scholars, and the females as dancers and singers. Their artistry is said to sustain the harmony of the universe and they frequently interact with gods and other celestial beings. They communicate through telepathy, manipulate natural energies for artistic creation, and have the ability to travel between dimensions with advanced technological and metaphysical prowess. Gandharvas from a Pleiades civilization, that unfortunately destroyed itself, escaped to earth long ago and were the founders of the Atlantian civilization on earth.

Similarly, the beings residing in Bhuvarloka are what we’d call aliens. The residents of Bhuvarloka include a variety of celestial beings such as Siddhas, Charanas, and Apsaras. Siddhas are advanced spiritual beings known for their attainment of considerable yogic powers and enlightenment, often considered gods by humans for the past 10,000 years. Charanas are celestial musicians, similar to Gandharvas but residing in this intermediary realm, contributing to its vibrational upkeep through their music. Apsaras are cosmic nymphs, known for their beauty and dance, which they use to inspire and delight the other inhabitants. Apsaras are often considered to be angels and dakinis. Collectively, these beings of Bhuvarloka are engaged in their spiritual journey, refining their abilities and preparing for higher spiritual existence. These beings are characterized by their extended lifespans or immortality, advanced healing powers that operate at an energetic level, and mastery of astral projection, allowing them to leave their physical forms and travel vast cosmic distances.

Understanding the Gandharvas and Bhuvarloka beings as aliens helps bridge ancient Vedic teachings with modern extraterrestrial theories so you can see that these beings, with their advanced capabilities and otherworldly nature, have been interacting with humanity not just as mythological figures but as real visitors from other realms and dimensions, influencing human culture and spiritual development through their extraordinary powers and knowledge.


In the ancient Vedic texts, Vimanas are described as mythical flying vehicles or chariots, often piloted by gods or celestial beings. Vimanas can travel vast distances in the sky or even to other planets, hover in mid-air, vanish from sight, and maneuver with incredible agility and speed. Vimanas are in-fact what we call “UFOs” these days.

The descriptions of Vimanas in the Mahabharata, the Vedas, and the Upanishads vary greatly, ranging from simple chariots to elaborate palaces with multiple levels, equipped with windows, domes, and weaponry. Some texts detail their ability to blend into the sky or produce melodic sounds, aligning them with modern UFO sightings, where crafts are often reported to have lights and emit sounds. In the Gandharvaloka alone there are over 10,000 worlds, civilizations with differing technologies, and interdimensional spacecraft.


Before talking to the Seven, and having many past lives in Hyperborea, I asked Juko, “What’s up with the UFOs you talk about?”
Junko answered, “You know Star Wars the movie? Well, that’s all real!”
The she went on to describe aspects of Hyperborea that I recalled.

The Seven Siddhas said that what I called “Hyperborea”, is described in the Upanashads and the Parunas as the War of Tarakamaya. They described it as a colossal cosmic conflict that spanned 100 trillion years. This battle unfolded across galaxies and lokas. Svargaloka, Lyra, was the central governance hub for divine beings. Bhuvarloka, the Andromeda Galaxy, was a crucial intermediary zone in this extensive war. Patalaloka was represented by the Triangulum Galaxy, home to the adversarial forces.

The participants in this cosmic war were advanced alien species, with the Devas and Asuras representing different civilizations within these galaxies. The Devas, from Lyra, were the ruling elite with technologies that could control cosmic phenomena, while the Asuras from the Triangulum Galaxy, were a dark, divergent civilization with their own unique technologies and societal structures.

Gandharvas from the Pleiades allied with both the Triangulum Galaxy and Lyra in battle. Gandharvas from Acturus allied with the Bhuvarloka. Our planet, earth, in the Bhuloka, was one of a million battlefields in this acient conflict. As decentants from Lyra, humans of our world allied with the Svargaloka.

Key figures such as Shiva and Vishnu, hailing from the Andromeda Galaxy, played roles similar to that of Jedi, mediating conflicts and restoring balance with wisdom and powers that could influence the very fabric of space and time. Their involvement was pivotal in navigating the complexities of this prolonged war and ensuring the maintenance of cosmic dharma.

The Seven Siddhas highlighted the interconnectedness of these different celestial civilizations and their long-lasting impacts on cosmic order. This battle was a definitive period in the universe’s history that shaped the evolutionary paths of multiple lokas, galaxies, and their inhabitants. The battle ended with the Svargaloka the victor, bringing peace and order to the universe. The harmful technology of Patalaloka was destroyed. So any UFO’s we see these days are from Svargaloka, Gandharvaloka, and Bhuvarloka.

The Purple World

Nagaloka located in the constellation Hydra, is a world where the sky and ocean are not blue, but purple. It is a realm of dragons and a myriad of mythical creatures such as sphinxes, unicorns and phoenixes. This diverse and vibrant realm is a place of neutrality and immense spiritual energy, where these creatures live in a complex ecosystem. Each species contributes to the realm’s mystical balance, living in harmony yet apart from the cosmic conflicts that effect other lokas.

The Jataka Tales are stories of the previous lives of the Buddha, in which he incarnated in various animal forms, learning and teaching the principles of Dharma. These lives were in Nagaloka, where he assumed the forms of common and mystical creatures. These incarnations were imbued with deep spiritual lessons and interactions that contributed to his wisdom and enlightenment. The Buddha’s lives in Nagaloka were rich with interactions across a spectrum of mystical beings, each interaction woven into the fabric of the tales that illustrate moral and ethical truths.

During the time of the great celestial conflict known as the Battle of Tarakamaya, Nagaloka’s inhabitants, due to their inherently neutral nature and focus on spiritual and mystical pursuits, largely stayed out of the fray. As creatures who took no sides, their realm served as a refuge from the battles that involved the more politically inclined lokas like Svargaloka and Patalaloka. This detachment allowed Nagaloka to maintain its peace and serenity, preserving its role as a sanctuary for spiritual enlightenment amidst the cosmic tumult.

Time, Yugas and Lokas

I asked the Seven Siddhas about my understanding of time, sequences, and the yugas of lokas. I initially believed that the sequence of cosmic events and realms unfolded in a linear progression: first, the Purple World; second, Hyperborea – the Battle of Tarakamaya; third, the existence of Space Atlantis; and fourth, the Earth – beginning with the Lemurian civilization. I thought these realms were sequential lokas, each leading into the next as stages of a grand cosmic evolution. However, the Seven Siddhas clarified that my understanding was not entirely accurate.

They said that what I call “Space Atlantis” was not a separate loka after the Battle of Tarakamaya but rather a civilization of the Gandharvaloka, and that all these realms, or lokas, still exist simultaneously. They are not extinct or mere chapters in the past but are ongoing realities within the universe. The Siddhas explained that many students from our lineage have traversed these same realms, following a similar path of incarnational development as I have.

This clarification illuminated the non-linear nature of these realms; they are not bound by temporal sequences as we understand time but coexist in a vast, interconnected cosmic framework. Each realm, from the Purple World to Earth with its ancient civilization of Lemuria, continues to play an integral role in the spiritual and cosmic development of souls. This ongoing existence and relevance of all the lokas reflect a complex tapestry of spiritual evolution where past, present, and future are intricately linked and simultaneously accessible to those on the path of spiritual ascent.

The Seven Siddhas shared their insight of the Yugas and the nature of existence in relation to time and cosmic cycles. The Siddhas’ insights were of spiritual awarenesses that transcend conventional perceptions of time and space. I asked the Seven about the Yugas and lokas. I told them my understanding of the Yugas of a lokas:

The four Yugas are different stages of the universe: Satya Yuga, the golden era of purity and divine harmony; Treta Yuga, where moral and spiritual decline begins; Dvapara Yuga, marked by further decline in righteousness; and Kali Yuga, the darkest period leading to the destruciton of the loka. After the Kali Yuga, a new loka begins with the Satya Yuga.

I likened the Yugas to the four seasons of a year, each marking a distinct phase or quality of cosmic evolution within the life of a Loka. The Siddhas affirmed this understanding but expanded on it by explaining that, similar to how the Earth remains after a year of seasons, a Loka persists through the cycle of Yugas. They further elucidated that in the grand cosmic scale, time as we perceive it does not truly exist; rather, all Yugas are unfolding simultaneously. This simultaneous occurrence is the true, multidimensional reality, where past, present, and future are interwoven and coexistent.

The Siddhas also revealed that despite the distinctive qualities of each Yuga—ranging from the Satya Yuga, the golden age of truth, to the Kali Yuga, marked by strife and destruction—the essence of existence remains in a state of inherent perfection. The universe is eternally perfect, and what we perceive as imperfections in different Yugas are merely different expressions or manifestations within the total perfection of existence.

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