2. Miki, Junko, and Ahjan

In this blog post, I will share my notes from the Seven Siddhas on their seeings about Miki, Junko, and myself, Ahjan. The Seven spoke of our connections to higher realms and our missions on Earth. They spoke of how we uniquely align with celestial energies and ancient wisdom to guide our contributions toward humanity’s spiritual evolution.

From my Notes:

Miki and Junko share a celestial origin that is intertwined with their spiritual missions on Earth. Both began their cosmic journeys in Gandharvaloka, a realm known for its celestial musicians and artists, where beauty and spiritual harmony are pervasive. Their innate connection to creativity and artistry in this realm laid the foundation for their future roles as healers and spiritual guides.

Over many lifetimes, through diligent spiritual practice and growth, Miki and Junko ascended to Bhuvarloka, a higher realm where beings experience advanced spiritual states. It is here that they encountered Sanata Kumara, a revered ascended master known for his wisdom and guidance. Sanata Kumara initiated Miki and Junko into a profound spiritual path specifically designed to aid Earth’s dharma, marking them as emissaries tasked with uplifting and healing our planet.

Their decision to descend from Bhuvarloka to Earth was a deliberate and sacrificial choice, aimed at bringing higher celestial wisdom and energy to assist in humanity’s spiritual evolution. Their roles involve not only transmitting this wisdom but also applying it practically to address the challenges and spiritual needs of Earth, effectively bridging higher cosmic knowledge with the tangible experiences of human life.

Ahjan’s journey complements that of Miki and Junko but originates from a different spiritual tradition. A Buddhist monk and enlightened teacher, Ahjan has risen to embody the role of a Dashavatara (or world teacher) to support the dharma of the world. His elevation to this role underscores his elevated spiritual attainment and his mission to disseminate dharma worldwide.

As a Dashavatara, Ahjan carries the responsibility of guiding not just individuals but also influencing global consciousness towards righteousness and spiritual harmony. His teachings and actions are deeply rooted in Buddhist principles, but they encompass universal truths that resonate across different cultures and spiritual beliefs. Through his advanced understanding and spiritual practices, Ahjan brings a deep awareness and insightful energy that create significant transformations in societal structures and individual lives, aiming to align them more closely with the principles of cosmic justice and moral clarity.

Together, Miki, Junko, and Ahjan form a dynamic and powerful trio, each bringing unique strengths from their spiritual backgrounds to foster Earth’s transition into a higher state of consciousness and harmony. Their concerted efforts are critical in advancing the global dharma, healing the planet, and helping humanity ascend to greater spiritual heights.

Junko delivers the profound wisdom of the ascended masters from Maharloka, making intricate spiritual teachings accessible and applicable to foster global enlightenment and understanding. Junko extends the power and wisdom of Sanata Kumara. Her role involves not only receiving divine insights but also actively channeling these high-frequency energies into the world, fostering a multitude of synergies and synchronistic blessings across humanity.

Junko brings Shambala’s Oracle of Light – deep insight that illuminates truth and understanding. This wisdom enables her to access and share higher teachings and insights from the ascended masters, making complex spiritual concepts accessible to people across the world. Shambala’s Oracle of Light enhances Junko’s ability to guide humanity’s spiritual evolution, offering clarity and enlightenment that foster global harmony and peace.

Miki channels the magical luminous energies of Bhuvarloka, infusing her healing practices with celestial energies that transform and uplift the spiritual vibrancy of earthly realms. Miki leads with a heart full of purity and an unwavering intent to heal, drawing on the nurturing spirit of San-Ju Kano from Mt. Kurama. Her actions harmonize celestial and terrestrial energies, facilitating global healing and the elevation of consciousness.

Miki’s approach embodies the essence of purity she brings from Shambala, cleansing and renewing the spiritual and physical realms she influences. She channels Shambala’s Etherial Vale, which brings a profound spiritual quality that embodies the purification and cleansing of both spiritual and physical spaces. This essence allows her to create environments conducive to healing and spiritual growth, where individuals can connect more deeply with their inner selves and the divine. The Essence of Purity that Miki brings is vital in her efforts to harmonize celestial and terrestrial energies, facilitating a global rise in consciousness and helping to clear the spiritual pollution that can cloud human judgment and impede spiritual awakening.

Ahjan embodies the enlightened and luminous consciousness of Brahmaloka, bringing deep spiritual insights and transformative wisdom to guide humanity towards a higher moral and ethical existence. Ahjan integrates the profound insights and warrior spirit of Bishamonten from Mt. Kurama, applying these deep spiritual insights to influence global policies and promote structural harmony through his work with international platforms.

Additionally, Ahjan brings the dharma-focused energy of the King of Shambala. With this energy, Ahjan is primarily focused on the propagation and restoration of dharma on Earth. This involves not just the spiritual awakening of individuals but also the alignment of societal structures with higher spiritual laws. The King’s energy empowers Ahjan to inspire and lead profound changes in global policies, cultural norms, and collective consciousness, steering them towards justice, righteousness, and higher ethical standards.

Each also maintains a deep connection with the mystical city of Telos. Junko connects with Adama, reflecting the enlightened leadership and profound wisdom emanating from Telos; Miki draws upon the life-affirming energies of Lorien, enhancing her healing capacities; and Ahjan aligns with Zaneth, who maintains balance amid chaos, aiding him in managing complex global challenges.

Together, these connections form a powerful framework for Miki, Junko, and Ahjan’s work. Their combined efforts and individual strengths recalibrate Earth’s energy fields and elevate collective human consciousness, steering humanity towards a future filled with greater enlightenment and harmony. Their roles exemplify the profound impact light-workers can have, aligning higher-dimensional wisdom with the challenges of the earthly realm to facilitate transformation and healing on a global scale.

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