2024 Kyoto Dragon’s Garland Activations

Recently, I began a significant spiritual mission to activate the Dragon’s Garland Pearls, a journey guided by the wisdom of the Seven Siddhas. These activations what the Seven call “The Foundational Activations”. The energy behind these activations is rooted in the universal power of Mt. Kurama, a pure, expansive energy that the Siddhas and seers like Junko believe will uplift the world. This energy will start by enhancing the Asian Circle of Power, known as the Dragon’s Back in China by Master Feng and the Dragon’s Meridian in Taiwan by Master Wu.

Throughout this journey, I was joined by Siyana, the wielder of the Sun Pearl, and each day, I called in the other pearl wielders via Zoom to participate in the activations and connect the energy across pearl sites. Miki, my healer and world-dharma ally, also activated the Cellendrial Crystal of the Luminara to link the energy from Mt. Kurama in Japan to amplify the sacred sites’ energy. Soon, Miki will perform another activation at a location in Tainan revealed by Master Wu to further strengthen the Dragon’s Garland energy and deepen the spiritual connection between Taiwan and Japan.

I was also joined by some of my old students, whose energy and presence were supportive and grounding each activation. Together, we visited the locations revealed by the Siddhas, each one chosen for its deep spiritual significance and alignment with the unique qualities of the pearls. Every site held powerful, ancient energy that made it the perfect place to activate the Dragon’s Garland Pearls. The Dragon’s Garland Pearls are enlightened constructs of powerful Dharma for spiritual transformation and uplifting the world, and our task was to unlock their power, connecting them through time and space to create a profound spiritual network.

This work was only the first step in our mission. Next, Siyana and I will travel to Tainan to work with Master Wu and perform the 12 pearl activations of the Dragon’s Garland there. Our goal is to further strengthen and balance the Dragon’s Back of China and the Dragon’s Meridian of Taiwan, so that the dragon’s power from Japan, Taiwan, and China can flow freely and uplift these countries—and the entire world. These activations will continue to awaken dormant energies, leading to greater peace, unity, and spiritual harmony in the region and beyond.

The Wisdom of the Seven Siddhas

The entire activation process was set into motion by the seeings of the Seven Siddhas, whose wisdom revealed the exact locations for each pearl activation. These weren’t random places chosen for their beauty or historical significance—they were sacred sites tied to the cosmic flow of the Dragon’s Garland. Each site carried its own unique vibration, perfectly attuned to the pearl that was to be activated there. The Siddhas showed me that these locations had been energetically dormant for centuries, waiting for the right moment and the right combination of energies to reignite their power.

Calling in the Other Pearl Wielders

Throughout the journey, I called in the other pearl wielders. They could not be with us physically, but their spiritual presence was felt with every step we took. Each activation day, I reached out to them, inviting their energies to connect with the pearl locations. This connection was essential. Without their participation, the activations would not have been as potent.

I could feel the synchronization happening as we connected all the locations together. The energy of the Dragon’s Garland wasn’t just activating in isolated spots—it was forming a spiritual energetic grid, creating a powerful flow of energy across japan’s ley lines. It was as if the pearls were speaking to one another, resonating in harmony, bringing their individual energies into a unified whole.

The Pearl Activations

We began the Kyoto Dragon’s Garland activations on Mt. Kurama, at the sacred mandala in front of the main temple. There, we activated the Sun Pearl — which embodies Amitabha’s infinite light and compassion. To begin, we held the Dhyana Mudra and inwardly chanted “On Amrita Teizei Kara Un”, seeing the golden light of the Sun Pearl filling the temple and radiating outward, spreading light and compassion to all beings.

As the Sun Pearl awakened, its radiant light spread throughout the mountain, revealing the universal energy that flows from Mt. Kurama. This activation began dispelling the darkness of ignorance and revealing the truth that this light exists everywhere. The light of the Sun Pearl illuminated both the seen and unseen, elevating the universal energy of Mt. Kurama to flow through everything, always present and accessible.

Then we went to the dragon shrine, where the Water Pearl was activated. The energy of the Water Pearl, representing Wu Wei and mirror-like wisdom, flowed with the dragon shrine dragon water, bringing with it an energy of effortless action. The natural power of Mt. Kurama amplified the pearl’s balanced energy, creating clarity and spiritual fluidity. We performed the Bhumisparsha Mudra while chanting “On Akishobaya Un”, visualizing the blue-green light of the Pearl merging with the dragon water, flowing outward with the effortless energy of Wu Wei.

This activation strengthened the energy flow of the Asian Circle of Power, creating a more balanced exchange of energy between the earth and the heavens. It began to support and align the natural elements with the forces of spiritual wisdom, making it easier to flow with the current of life for promoting global peace and unity.

Then, inside the main temple at the inner altar, we activated the Purple Pearl. This pearl, embodying Fukūjōju Nyorai’s mysticism and spiritual miracles, was absorbed into the temple’s most magical sacred space. We practiced the Abhaya Mudra while chanting “On Amogashiri Ei Un”, feeling the purple light of the Pearl infuse the room, spreading mystical blessings to the world.

The practice performed here began to unlock hidden powers, allowing for the manifestation of spiritual miracles. The esoteric nature of the temple amplified the pearl’s mystical qualities, which sent waves of spiritual magic across the land. This activation uplifts the spirit to overcome obstacles that had seemed insurmountable, allowing for breakthroughs in both spiritual awareness and global harmony.

At Rokudō Chinnō-ji, we activated the Moon Pearl, bringing forth the light of Miroku for hope and unity. The well of souls at this temple reaches into the bardos and underworlds where souls are trapped in suffering due to karmic burdens. The Moon Pearl’s dharmic power of creating future enlightenment elevated the wells ancient energies that support transition and rebirth. We formed the Dharmachakra Mudra while chanting “On Maitaraya Sowaka”, allowing the silver light of the Pearl to fill the depths. Descending into the well, the Moon Pearl shined to inspire unity and hope.

The Moon Pearl, descending into the well — entered the shadows like the moon’s new phase when all is dark. Yet the nature of the Moon Pearl promises eventual fullness and illumination. The activation illuminated Miroku’s vow to become the future Buddha in a darkened world. Through the combined power of the well and the Moon Pearl, an energy began to spread that would heal karmic ties and release past tensions. Through this activation, a foundation was laid for a future of unity and enlightenment, fostering connection and shared purpose for all people and nations.

At Kiyomizu-dera, we entered the sacred Tainai Meguri beneath the Kannon Temple to activate the Rainbow Pearl. Holding a long prayer mala to guide us in the absolute darkness, we moved deeper into this womb-like space, opening the compassionate heart of Kannon. Step by step, we let go of external distractions as we neared the heart of the chamber.

At the center of the hall, after passing though turning corridors, we came to the compassion stone—the sacred stone of Kannon. There, we activated the Rainbow Pearl, infusing the dark chamber with Sen Ju Kannon’s infinite compassion and blessings. We performed the Karana Mudra while chanting “On Arorikya Sowaka”, and envisioning the rainbow light of the Pearl expand, clearing obstacles and blessing all beings with boundless compassion.

Then the energy of the Rainbow Pearl merged with the powerful presence of Kannon, and a wave of radiant compassion pulsed outward, spreading peace and care beyond the temple walls. It was as if the temple itself had transformed into a vessel of universal love, sending ripples of kindness and healing into the world, dissolving suffering, and bridging divides.

Next in our work with the Dragon’s Garland, the Cloud Pearl, imbued with the power of Fudō Myōō, was activated at Daigo-ji. This temple is a sacred place where the great Buddhist master Kukai taught enlightenment. Kukai’s timeless power resonated with the Cloud Pearl’s energy of transformation. Together, a force emerged, an energy that overcomes ignorance, cutting through obstacles and illusions like Fudō Myōō’s immovable sword.

We used the Kataka Mudra with the chant “On Caṇḍa Mahāroṣaṇa Sowaka”, seeing the cloud-like light of the Pearl purify the temple, spreading transformative energy throughout the world. The activation began to spread the force of wisdom and transformation, empowering all to release attachments and step into enlightened wisdom. The effects of this transformation rippled outward, helping to dismantle negative energies and replace them with clarity and spiritual strength.

Next, at Koryu-ji, the oldest Buddhist temple in Kyoto, we activated the White Pearl, which holds Shaka Nyorai’s power of instant enlightenment. We held the Bhumisparsha Mudra while chanting “On Muni Muni Mahamuni Shaka Sowaka”, visualizing the white light of the Pearl penetrating the earth, igniting enlightenment and spreading the Dharma’s truth.

The activation at this ancient site brought forth the essence of the Buddha’s first awakening, spreading the energy of instant realization to the world. The power of the White Pearl opened a direct path to enlightenment, creating an opportunity for all to experience moments of awakening and insight in their daily lives. The activation inspires a global shift, making it easier for all beings to access the teachings of the Buddha and awaken to their true nature.

The Golden Pearl was activated at Daikaku-ji, a temple where Emperor Saga studied with Master Kukai. This pearl holds the power of Dainichi Nyorai’s universal reach, spreading the enlightened teachings. The imperial energy of the temple, once home to emperor-monks, amplified the Golden Pearl’s ability to transmit wisdom to the highest levels of society. We performed the Vajra Mudra (Chiken-in Mudra) while chanting “On Vairocana Om”, watching the golden light of the Pearl radiate from the temple, illuminating paths of wisdom and enlightenment worldwide.

The activation began to send waves of enlightened teachings out, revitalizing ancient wisdom so that the Buddha Dharma can continue to flourish in this modern age. The teachings spread by this activation bring clarity and spiritual insight to countless beings, for the ongoing transmission of the Dharma for future generations.

Next, at Reigenji, a zen temple that taught the pathway to enlightenment to samurai, we activated the Red Pearl, which is imbued with the enlightened energy of Kongōsatta. This pearl radiates the essence of resilience and spiritual power, embodying the unbreakable spirit of warriors dedicated to peace. We used the Vajra Humkara Mudra while chanting “On Vajrasattva Hum”, feeling the red light of the Pearl strengthen the temple, sending energies of resilience and power for warriors of dharma. As the Red Pearl came to life, its energy infused the air. This was an energy of immense strength, fostering the fortitude to push beyond any obstacles to dharma.

The activation was an empowerment for the world to purify both mind and heart, cutting through spiritual impurities with Kongōsatta’s indestructible wisdom—a force that clears away fear and doubt. This sacred act amplified the dharma and began to send waves of luminous power across the world, strengthening spiritual warriors everywhere to stand firm in truth and peace, embodying the samurai spirit on the path of the Dharma.

The Green Pearl, embodying Hōshō Nyorai’s enlightened teachings of generosity and balance, was activated at Tenryu-ji. This temple, known for its famous gardens designed by Zen Master Musō Soseki, is a model of how man and nature can live together in elevated harmony. Soseki’s vision of dharma and the green world, expressed in his garden fengshui, was elevated by the Green Pearl’s energy. We held the Varada Mudra while chanting “On Ratnasambhava Tram”, visualizing the green light of the Pearl merging with the garden, harmonizing nature and spreading balance and the spirit of generosity.

As the activation took place, the Pearl’s light infused the garden, creating a harmonious flow of abundance that extended far beyond the temple. This powerful activation strengthens the balance between humanity and nature, fostering global environmental healing and a deepened respect for the Earth’s beauty and interconnectedness.

On Mt. Hiei, home to Enryaku-ji, the first Tendai Buddhist temple, we activated the Flame Pearl. This pearl brings forth the blessings of Fugen Bosatsu, bringing purity and empowering vows. We used the Anjali Mudra with the chant “On Samantabhadra Hum”, seeing the flame-like light of the Pearl blaze through the mountain, renewing vows and purifying spiritual paths.

The Kaihōgyōsha monks of Mt. Hiei undertake an extraordinary nine-day practice of fasting, total sleeplessness, and relentless meditation, pushing the limits of human endurance in pursuit of ultimate purification. This intense discipline is a path to shedding all worldly attachments, allowing them to burn away impurities and approach enlightenment. The powerful, disciplined energy of the Kaihōgyōsha amplifies the purifying power of the Flame Pearl, and as the Pearl’s energy ignites, it spreads this profound purification process from the mountain to the world. This activation reawakens the Bodhisattva vows in countless beings, deepening commitment and inspiring a wave of spiritual renewal across the globe.

Finally, at Tō-ji, we activated the Blue Pearl that brought forth with Kokūzō Bosatsu’s infinite wisdom. The Blue Pearl holds the structure of spiritual teachings, and its activation at this esoteric Shingon temple strengthenes the transmission of wisdom across the world. The temple’s long-standing connection to master Kūkai amplified the Blue Pearl’s energy, ensuring that the wisdom of the Dharma remains intact for generations to come. We performed the Hokkai Jo-in Mudra while chanting “On Bazara Aragya Un”, watching the blue light of the Pearl infuse the temple, expanding globally to reinforce Dharma’s wisdom and the spiritual foundations everywhere. This activation creates a global elevation of spiritual knowledge, fostering insight and accessibility  for all who seek the teachings of the Buddha. 

The Spiritual Impact of the Dragon’s Garland Activations

As we completed each activation, I felt the collective energy grow stronger. The unity of the pearls, when activated in unison, created a shift in the Earth’s energy grid. The pearls, connected across time and space, began their work of healing, protection, and enlightenment for all beings.

The connection to the Dragon’s Garland is not only about ancient spiritual knowledge but also about its relevance for today and the future. These activations are part of a much larger spiritual mission, one that transcends boundaries, geographies, and even our individual lives. The Dragon’s Garland is here to help guide the world through turbulent times, offering a path toward spiritual harmony and balance.

In conclusion, the Dragon’s Garland Activations in Kyoto have initiated a powerful wave of spiritual transformation. Each pearl, representing unique qualities of wisdom, compassion, resilience, and unity, has woven a profound energy grid, creating connections that transcend individual activations and merge into a collective force for healing and enlightenment. Through the wisdom and guidance of the Seven Siddhas, we were able to unlock ancient energies, reinvigorating sacred sites that hold deep spiritual significance. The unity of these activations has established a dynamic network of energy across Japan’s ley lines, infusing the Earth’s energy grid with strength, clarity, and compassion.

The journey ahead holds even greater promise as we prepare for the next phase of activations in Tainan, Taiwan. By harmonizing the Dragon’s Back and Dragon’s Meridian, we aim to empower the dragon’s energy to uplift and unify Japan, Taiwan, and China, rippling outward to inspire peace, balance, and spiritual growth on a global scale. The Dragon’s Garland, illuminated by each activation, stands as a guiding beacon for humanity—a bridge to universal harmony and the awakening of a world in alignment with truth and compassion.

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