The Rainbow Pearl: Compassion and Universal Blessings of Kannon

At the heart of Kyomizu-dera lies a powerful source of spiritual energy: the Rainbow Pearl. This precious pearl embodies the boundless compassion and universal blessings of Avalokiteshvara (known as Kannon in Japan), the Bodhisattva of Infinite Compassion. For those seeking enlightenment, inner peace, or healing, the Rainbow Pearl offers a profound connection to the compassionate energy of Kannon, a being whose mission is to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings.

The Rainbow Pearl radiates a vibrant spectrum of light, symbolizing the many forms of compassion that reach all corners of existence. It represents the idea that, just as a rainbow touches the earth and sky, the energy of compassion can touch the hearts of all beings, transcending boundaries and differences.

The Power of Compassion

Kannon’s compassion is not limited; it extends to all beings without exception. The Rainbow Pearl’s energy works to dissolve feelings of isolation, pain, and fear, bringing forth a sense of interconnectedness and universal love. Those who meditate on this pearl are said to be blessed with clarity of heart, the ability to act with kindness even in challenging circumstances, and the strength to transform suffering into peace.

The Karana Mudra: Expelling Evil and Negativity

To fully activate the Rainbow Pearl’s power of compassion, practitioners use the Karana Mudra. This gesture, also known as the Gesture of Expelling Evil, symbolizes the removal of negativity and obstacles on the spiritual path. By placing your hand in this mudra, you align with Kannon’s power to dispel inner and outer challenges.

The Karana Mudra is performed by raising your right hand with the palm facing outward, extending the index and pinky fingers while folding the middle and ring fingers under the thumb. This sacred gesture directs energy outward, symbolizing the banishment of harmful forces and the welcoming of compassion and blessings into your life.

Meditation Practice with the Rainbow Pearl

To connect deeply with the Rainbow Pearl and Kannon’s compassion, follow these steps:

  1. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and undisturbed.
  2. Begin by sitting in a meditative posture, placing your hands in the Karana Mudra.
  3. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Visualize the Rainbow Pearl at your heart center, radiating waves of multicolored light. Imagine these waves extending outward, reaching all beings with love and compassion.
  4. Chant the mantra of Avalokiteshvara (Kannon):
    オン アロリキャ ソワカ
    (On Arurikya Sowaka) As you chant, feel the energy of the Rainbow Pearl filling your entire being, expelling negativity and bringing healing, peace, and universal blessings.
  5. Envision the light spreading, dissolving all suffering and darkness in the world. Feel yourself becoming a vessel of Kannon’s compassion, capable of sharing this energy with others.


The Rainbow Pearl holds the transformative power of Avalokiteshvara’s compassion. By meditating with this pearl and using the Karana Mudra, you can access the universal blessings and healing energy that Kannon offers. Through this practice, you not only purify your own heart but also contribute to the collective well-being of all beings.

Let the Rainbow Pearl guide you toward greater compassion, love, and peace in your life.

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