The Jade Dragon Vein: Connecting Tainan and Kyoto for World Harmony

The Seven Siddhas told me about the following from their seeing. This blog post is based on my notes from my discussions with them.

A very powerful dragon’s energy line connecting two key spiritual locations that are ancient capitols is the Jade Dragon Vein, the energy line between Tainan and Kyoto. The Seven made up the name and said Master Wu may know the true name, but they named it this way because “Jade” symbolizes harmony, wisdom, and protection—qualities that embody the energy flowing between these sacred places. “Dragon Vein” refers to the powerful, life-sustaining energy channel connecting these locations, just as Xi’an’s Dragon’s Back symbolizes its crucial role in spiritual and geopolitical power.

The pearl activations along the Jade Dragon Vein in Tainan and Kyoto bring immense benefits to Taiwan, China, and the world. By activating Taiwan’s dragon meridian through this connection, we foster peace and stability, easing tensions with China while strengthening Taiwan both spiritually and politically. The link between Xi’an’s Dragon’s Back and Tainan’s meridian promotes cooperation and mutual understanding, reducing conflict and enhancing diplomacy. Additionally, this connection to Mt. Kurama’s universal energy spreads peace beyond Asia, supporting global harmony efforts, such as those in Ukraine and the Middle East. These activations elevate consciousness, contributing to world peace.

Now is the perfect time for the activations. We are entering a special astrological moment that supports deep transformation and healing. The Scorpio Transit (late October to early November) brings powerful planetary alignments with Mars in Scorpio, which fuels actions to resolve conflicts and promote cooperation. This energy, combined with Scorpio’s influence on unveiling hidden truths and dismantling old power structures, is good for working with the transformative dragon’s energy.

In late October and early November, an alignment of Mars, the Sun, and the Moon in Scorpio creates a potent environment for activating the Jade Dragon Vein. This cosmic energy promotes the resolution of geopolitical tensions, particularly in China-Taiwan relations, while the influence of Venus in Libra supports harmony and diplomacy.

These energies are ideal for addressing current global conflicts including China-Taiwan relations, where the dragon’s energy can ease aggressive forces and foster a better environment for peace talks. The connection between Xi’an and Tainan strengthens spiritual ties, reducing the need for force. In the Ukraine conflict, the transformative power of the dragon’s energy can support peace talks and efforts to reduce violence. Scorpio’s influence helps nations find paths to resolution. In the Middle East, the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel may see breakthroughs. Pearl activations will enhance peace efforts, uncovering the root causes of conflict while Venus in Libra promotes reconciliation.

The alignment of astrological forces and the urgency of these global challenges make now the perfect time for the pearl activations along the Jade Dragon Vein. By aligning Taiwan’s dragon meridian energy with Japan’s dragon energy and the cosmic power of Scorpio, we can create lasting change, fostering peace, cooperation, and spiritual awakening not only in Asia but across the world.

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