18. Luminara Activation – Paris

My recent mission in Paris with Miki was an extraordinary blend of spirituality, history, and cosmic alignment. Guided by the wisdom of the Seven Siddhas and the profound energies of the Luminara crystals, we embarked on a three-day activation journey aimed at harnessing and amplifying the spiritual and energetic power of this globally significant city. Here’s a detailed recount of our transformative experience.

The Luminara crystals are a set of 12 unique spiritual artifacts, each imbued with specific spiritual properties and energies designed to promote various aspects of peace, healing, and balance. These crystals were created by the enlightened beings of the high council of Telos, and hold the power to influence both the physical and spiritual realms.

Activating the Luminara crystals is a profound and intricate process, requiring specific spiritual practices and cosmic alignments. Miki, the primary activator, possesses unique abilities stemming from her past life knowledge and experiences in Andromeda (Bhuvarloka) incarnations. These past lives have endowed her with the necessary spiritual insights and abilities to channel the energies required for the activations.

Miki employs light language, a form of spiritual communication through sacred sounds and vibrations, to initiate the activation process. This light language resonates with the higher frequencies of the cosmos, aligning the crystals with their intended energies.

Using crystal singing bowls, Miki generates powerful vibrations that further enhance the activation. The harmonious tones produced by the singing bowls help to attune the crystals, allowing their energies to flow more freely and effectively.

Liminara Mission Support Team

Ahjan and 10 initiated Buddhist mystics from his old school attended to support Miki in the activation of the crystals. To help Miki, each member focuses on their third eye and mentally holds the vision of one of the other Luminara crystals. This collective visualization forms a multidimensional energy pyramid, which is essential for amplifying the activation’s power.

As Miki channels the cosmic energies through light language and the singing bowls, the support team’s focused intentions and visualizations stabilize and enhance the energy pyramid. This collaborative effort ensures that the crystals’ energies are harmonized and directed towards their specific purposes. 

Cosmic Alignments and Energetic Integration

The activation is further amplified by aligning with specific cosmic energies. Each crystal has a unique connection to certain planetary or star systems, which enhances its properties and effectiveness.

Once activated, the crystals integrate with the local energy lines, harmonizing and balancing the spiritual and physical realms. This integration promotes various beneficial effects, such as enhancing communication, fostering peace, promoting ecological healing, and inspiring innovation.

Day 1: July 7th

We started our mission at Pont Neuf, the first and oldest bridge in Paris. Pont Neuf reflects the flow of spiritual power between old and new energies. At 5:45 AM, we gathered and began with a world healing blessing. Then we started the Luminara crystal activations. The Ariah Crystal, known for enhancing spiritual communication, was activated alongside the Belanar Crystal, which promotes peace and reconciliation. The cosmic connection to Sirius intensified these effects, supporting diplomatic relations across Europe, especially during the challenges of Hungary’s EU presidency.

During the activations, the collective energy of the group was palpable, with participants aware of and clearly seeing the formation of the energy pyramid.

One participant said, “The crystals are complementary to each other. When we think of a pyramid, we often envision a three-dimensional structure with distinct parts: sides, a peak, etc. But if we consider each crystal as having multiple dimensions, each with certain qualities, and they complement each other, they form a collective entity. This entity shares the attributes of a pyramid, such as sides, lines, and a point. However, it’s not arranged three-dimensionally; instead, it’s laid out across multiple dimensions.”

Another participant said, “I became the crystal. It felt as if it was permeating my being. I saw the pyramids start to form as a shape, and everyone’s energy began to contribute to it, almost like building it. You could see into the top, and the pyramids started growing in the space, almost like an energy force growing where we were. It brought those qualities to the space, healing it and infusing it with energy. Now, it’s like the energy is present here, sitting with us.”

After the participants shared their personal reflections, they observed changes in the local energy lines and felt a profound sense of transformation. Then we moved on to do the crystal activations at Parc Monceau. 

Parc Monceau

Parc Monceau is a serene garden rich with historical and spiritual significance. The park, with its lush greenery and tranquil ambiance, is a peaceful retreat in the heart of Paris. Within this garden lies the Temple of Isis. The Temple of Isis is an enchanting structure of ancient Egyptian architecture. This 15-foot tall pyramid features majestic, weathered columns adorned with hieroglyph engravings and intricate patterns. The stone structure stands with a sense of grandeur and timelessness, surrounded by lush greenery and within a mystical aura.

Here, we activated the Raya Crystal, which connects with Earth’s primal energies, promoting ecological healing. The Fyrial Crystal magnifies compassion and empathy, fostering unity within the community. With the cosmic connection to Orion, this activation supported environmental sustainability and community resilience, for addressing societal challenges in Europe.

Participant Experiences

After the crystal activations, the participants shares some of their experiences. One participant said. ”During the meditation, I saw a bright light wrapping around in layers, forming a circular shape that eventually turned into a pyramid with a shining jewel at the top. The pyramid opened like a lotus, and a beam of light spread globally.”

Another participant saw vibrant colors and intricate patterns, reminiscent of a kaleidoscope, swirling and merging in mesmerizing ways. This visual spectacle created a sense of wonder and awe. Alongside this, they felt a deep connection to the natural world, as if they were one with the earth, plants, and animals. This profound bond with nature brought a sense of harmony, peace, and an appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of all living things. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, fostering environmental consciousness and unity with nature.

Another participant felt the collective energy of the group, seeing a pyramid in a second dimension merging with the physical pyramid. They also visualized the deity ISIS, feeling the energy permeating the cosmos and the world. This vision created a deep sense of spiritual connection and reverence. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, enhancing spiritual understanding and cosmic connectivity.

Participants described the crystals appearing very clear and bright during the activation. The presence of the deity ISIS was strongly felt during the healing sessions, further amplifying the spiritual energy and providing a sense of divine protection and guidance. This profound experience and awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, promoting spiritual healing and divine connection.

Day 2: July 8

On July 8th, when we met, I reported some amazing news and the seeing of the Seven Siddhas. This brought greater awareness and enthusiasm to our team, helping us to realize that our spiritual work had powerful results.

The French elections on July 7th were widely expected to result in a significant victory for Marine Le Pen and the conservative factions, with many anticipating a marked shift towards more right-wing policies. However, contrary to these predictions, the elections witnessed a record-breaking voter turnout, with an unprecedented number of French citizens casting their ballots.

This massive civic engagement led to a surprising and decisive outcome, as liberal candidates swept into power, claiming victories across numerous key positions that had been widely expected to fall to their conservative rivals. Major urban centers and historically conservative strongholds alike saw a wave of support for liberal agendas, resulting in a significant reconfiguration of the political landscape. These unexpected liberal victories included crucial seats in the National Assembly, mayoral offices in major cities, and influential regional councils, signaling a clear mandate from the electorate for progressive policies and a rejection of the far-right’s platform. The scale and breadth of liberal success underscored a dramatic shift in public opinion, catalyzed by the record-breaking voter turnout and an energized electorate committed to a vision of inclusivity and forward-thinking governance.

The Seven Siddhas believe this shift is a direct result of their work with the Luminara crystals. They assert that these crystals uplift awareness and consciousness, enabling the people of France to perceive the potential harms of conservative governance more clearly. As a result, voters felt a deepened sense of responsibility and unity, driving them to the polls in record numbers to support a more progressive agenda. The collective spirit of France was uplifted, leading to a decisive stand against the tide of right-wing conservatism that has been rising in Western countries. This historic election marks a turning point, showcasing the power of collective consciousness and spiritual awakening in shaping political landscapes.

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On this day we gathered in front of the Russian Orthodox Church of Paris, near the Eiffel Tower, next to the Seine River, along the same energy line as the Pont Alexandre III Bridge. This bridge, adorned with ornate sculptures and grandiose lamps, is a symbol of diplomatic harmony and a historical testament to the strong ties between France and Russia.

The Russian Orthodox Church and the Pont Alexandre III represent the golden era of French-Russian relations, marked by mutual respect and cooperation. This bridge, inaugurated during the 1900 Exposition Universelle, stands as a monument to the alliance between Tsar Alexander III of Russia and French President Félix Faure.

The Russian Orthodox Church of Paris, formally known as the Holy Trinity Cathedral, is more than just an architectural marvel; it is a spiritual beacon that embodies the profound connection between France and Russia. Its five gilded domes, which represent the Holy Trinity, glisten against the Parisian skyline, symbolizing the divine light that bridges these two great cultures. Inside, the cathedral is a sanctuary of peace and reflection, adorned with sacred frescoes and intricate iconography that tell the story of a shared spiritual heritage. This holy site serves as a conduit for the energies of faith, unity, and cultural exchange, reinforcing the bonds between the French and Russian peoples.

We chose this significant location to activate the Daevas Crystal and the Hyliara Crystal, both known for their abilities to guide spiritual and diplomatic peace. With these crystals, we aimed to anchor divine love and reconciliation, drawing on the cosmic energies of Venus to enhance these qualities. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, amplified the intent to promote harmonious international relations and peaceful negotiations.

Our goal was to address current diplomatic tensions in Europe by fostering positive Western relations with Russia, reminiscent of the cooperative spirit that once thrived between these nations. The direct energy line connection from this location to Moscow added a powerful dimension to our activation, bridging the past and present in hopes of nurturing a future of renewed friendship and understanding.

Participants Experiences

During the world healing blessing that preceded the crystal activations, one participant described an overwhelming sensation of floating and being weightless, as if gravity had released its hold on them. This feeling of lightness brought about a profound sense of freedom and tranquility.

Alongside this physical sensation, they felt a strong sense of interconnectedness with everyone present, as if their spirits were intertwined, creating a shared experience of unity and collective consciousness. This profound connection fostered a deep sense of belonging and harmony within the group. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, enhancing feelings of unity and tranquility.

During the activation of the crystals, one participant saw a vision of ancient wisdom being downloaded into their mind, as if receiving profound knowledge from a time long past. This vision was vivid and clear, filling them with a sense of enlightenment and understanding. Concurrently, they felt a strong connection to ancestral spirits, as if the wisdom of their forebears was being imparted directly to them. This connection provided a deep sense of guidance and support, linking them to their heritage and the enduring legacy of their ancestors. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, promoting wisdom and a sense of heritage.

Another participant felt like they were being lifted to a higher plane of existence, as if transcending their physical body and ascending to a more elevated state of consciousness. This sensation was accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of being bathed in golden light, which enveloped them in warmth and radiance. The golden light provided a sense of purity, peace, and divine presence, making the experience profoundly uplifting and spiritually enriching. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, fostering spiritual growth and enlightenment.

After these powerful crystal activations, we went to the Tuileries to continue our work.

The Tuileries

In the serene Tuileries Garden, situated along a major energy line of Paris, we activated the Galenith Crystal and the Joriel Crystal. This energy line extends from the Louvre to the Arc de Triomphe along the Champs-Élysées, forming a strong energetic power line.

The Tuileries Garden, created in the 16th century by Catherine de Medici, holds a rich history and spiritual significance. It has long been a place of leisure and reflection, offering a green sanctuary in the heart of the bustling city.

The activation of the Galenith Crystal in this garden liberated energies of joy and freedom, creating an atmosphere of lightness and happiness. Simultaneously, the Joriel Crystal cultivated prosperity and abundance, fostering a sense of well-being and growth. The cosmic connection to the Pleiades further enhanced these qualities, promoting economic stability and growth throughout Europe, and aligning the energies of the Tuileries Garden with the broader cosmic vibrations.

Participant Experiences

One of the participants described a profound and transformative experience during the activation. They felt an unmistakable presence of divine beings surrounding the entire group, creating an atmosphere of reverence and awe. This presence was so strong that it seemed to envelop and uplift everyone present. As this divine energy intensified, the participant experienced a powerful wave of love and compassion that washed over them. This wave was all-encompassing, filling their heart with warmth and a deep sense of connection to every soul in the group. The sensation was one of pure, unconditional love, bringing tears of joy and gratitude to their eyes. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, fostering a collective sense of love and compassion.

Another participant recounted a unique and surreal experience during the activation. They described an extraordinary sensation of time behaving unpredictably, first slowing down to a near standstill, allowing them to deeply observe and feel each moment, and then suddenly speeding up, creating a whirlwind of experiences. Amidst this fluctuating perception of time, they experienced a profound sense of clarity and purpose. It was as if the shifting timeframes revealed deeper insights and understandings, aligning their mind and spirit with truth. This newfound clarity brought a sense of peace and renewed focus and intention. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, promoting clarity and purpose across the continent.

Another participant shared a deeply transformative and uplifting experience. They felt an overwhelming sense of renewal and rebirth, as if shedding old layers and emerging anew. This sensation was accompanied by a profound wave of love and compassion that permeated their entire being. They described feeling a boundless and unconditional love for all beings. This deep sense of compassion created a powerful connection to the universal flow of love, fostering a sense of unity and harmony with all of creation. The experience left them feeling revitalized and deeply connected to the world around them. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, enhancing feelings of unity and compassion.

Day 3: July 9

We started our last day of crystal activations at Notre Dame, a place of faith and resilience. Activating the Elixian Crystal and the Luminae Crystal, we aimed to promote physical and spiritual rejuvenation, fostering harmony and spiritual growth. The cosmic connection to Jupiter amplified these qualities, supporting efforts to maintain cultural heritage and spiritual well-being across Europe.

Notre Dame de Paris, one of the most famous cathedrals in the world, has a rich and multifaceted history. Constructed between the 12th and 14th centuries, it stands as a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture, symbolizing centuries of religious devotion, architectural innovation, and cultural resilience.

The site of Notre Dame has deep spiritual significance that predates the cathedral itself. Before the current structure was built, the location was home to a Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter, the king of the gods in Roman mythology. This temple, in turn, was built on the remnants of earlier sacred sites used by the first tribe of Paris, the Parisii, who conducted pagan rituals and worshipped their deities there. The continuity of sacred use at this location highlights its enduring spiritual importance throughout different eras and cultures.

By choosing Notre Dame as the site for activating the Elixian and Luminae Crystals, we tapped into this long history of spiritual significance. The Elixian Crystal is known for promoting physical and spiritual rejuvenation, while the Luminae Crystal fosters harmony and spiritual growth. Their activation here aimed to reinvigorate the energies of Notre Dame.

The cosmic connection to Jupiter, associated with growth, expansion, and protection, further amplified these qualities to spread throughout Europe.

Participant Experiences

One of the participants experienced an extraordinary sense of elevation, feeling as though they were being lifted to a higher plane of existence. This sensation of ascension was accompanied by a profound spiritual upliftment, as if transcending the physical realm. They also described being bathed in a golden light, which enveloped them with warmth and purity. This golden light evoked feelings of divine presence, imbuing them with a deep sense of peace, enlightenment, and connection to higher consciousness. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, promoting spiritual elevation and enlightenment across the continent.

Another participant reported a profound and transformative experience. They saw vivid images of their past lives, feeling an intimate connection to their spiritual journey across time. This connection to past incarnations brought a sense of understanding and continuity to their existence. Additionally, they described a powerful sensation of being surrounded by protective energies. These energies provided a comforting shield, instilling a sense of security and divine guardianship. Their experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, fostering a collective sense of protection and spiritual insight.

The Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Before our last crystal activation location, we went to the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, a site of profound spiritual significance. This beautiful chapel is renowned for the apparitions of the Virgin Mary experienced by Saint Catherine Labouré in 1830.

During one of these apparitions, on November 27, 1830, Mary presented Catherine with the design of the Miraculous Medal and instructed her to have it minted. The medal was intended to bring grace to those who wore it with faith.

The chapel has since become a major pilgrimage site. Pilgrims from all over the world visit to venerate the spot where the Virgin Mary had appeared and to seek blessings through the Miraculous Medal.

The medal features an image of Mary standing on a globe, crushing a serpent beneath her feet, with the words “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee” inscribed around the edge. On the reverse, it depicts a cross and the letter “M,” symbolizing Mary’s close involvement in the salvation process through Jesus Christ, along with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

When our group arrived at the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, a Mass was already in progress. The air was filled with the solemn resonance of prayers and hymns. As we quietly found our seats, Ahjan, utilizing one of his advanced Buddhist siddhis, opened the dimensions, allowing the spirit of Mary to be present—not as a mere apparition, but as a tangible presence within the statue of Mary at the head of the altar. This transformation imbued the statue with a living, vibrant essence.

Many members of the Luminara support team felt the profound grace and luminosity of the divine feminine emanating from the statue. The atmosphere was thick with divine energy, a palpable sense of the sacred that touched each of us deeply. Miki engaged with Mary in a sacred exchange of light language. In this moment, Miki and Mary merged, becoming one with her divine consciousness, an experience that radiated enlightenment and unconditional love throughout the chapel.

The church, continuing the tradition begun by Saint Catherine Labouré, crafted and sold the Miraculous Medals. These medals, designed by Mary herself, were imbued with the promise of grace and protection for those who wore them with faith. Miki acquired one for each member of our team, providing us with a physical artifact of enlightenment to aid us in our spiritual work. These medals served as tangible reminders of the divine connection we had experienced and the spiritual mission we were undertaking.

An Unexpected Connection

As we exited the church, my phone chimed with an incoming email. It was from the Grand Master of the Parisian Rosicrucian Society, a secretive and ancient fraternity dedicated to the study and practice of metaphysical and mystical principles. The Rosicrucians have long been known for their esoteric knowledge, their symbols and rituals intertwined with the quest for spiritual enlightenment and the betterment of humanity.

The Grand Master had learned of our work and declared it the most important thing the world needs at this time. He expressed his desire to support our mission, offering assistance and blessings. Despite having never communicated with him before, I sensed a deep alignment and positive connection.

With this newfound support, our group proceeded to the final location for the crystal activations, the Tour Saint-Jacques, which I would later find out is located just five blocks from the Parisian Rosicrucian Society headquarters

Tour Saint-Jacques (The Alchemist’s Tower)

Our final crystal activations took place at the Tour Saint-Jacques, a renowned symbol of transformation and the quest for spiritual knowledge. This historic tower, originally part of the Church of Saint-Jacques-la-Boucherie, has long been a beacon for pilgrims on the road to Santiago de Compostela. Its storied past includes associations with alchemists and scholars seeking to unlock the secrets of the universe.

At this site, the Cerendiel Crystal was activated to facilitate both personal and planetary ascension. The crystal’s energy supported individuals in their spiritual journeys while also contributing to the Earth’s vibrational upliftment. Simultaneously, the Kaelum Crystal inspired innovation that is deeply rooted in spiritual principles, promoting the integration of higher wisdom into practical, everyday solutions.

The cosmic connection to Arcturus amplified these effects, fostering innovative solutions and spiritual growth across Europe. This alignment encouraged advancements in society and technology that are harmonious with spiritual values, contributing to a future where progress is balanced with deep, inner wisdom. The Tour Saint-Jacques, with its rich history and spiritual significance, served as the perfect locus for these transformative energies, enhancing the collective consciousness and supporting the evolution of humanity.

During these activations, we received support from the Grand Master of the Parisian Rosicrucian Society, who assisted us from afar through his own advanced mystical practices. Although not physically present, his spiritual work created a powerful synergy with our efforts, significantly amplifying the energy work we were undertaking. He employed a specific Rosicrucian meditation called “The Invocation of the Rose Cross,” which involves visualizing a golden cross surrounded by a glowing rose. This practice is designed to enhance spiritual protection, channel higher wisdom, and promote unity.

Participant Experiences

One participant felt the energy of the pyramid expanding and covering the earth, creating a powerful protective shield around the planet. This experience was accompanied by a significant shift in consciousness, where they felt a deep sense of peace and unity. This profound connection and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, fostering global harmony and collective well-being. The Grand Master’s distant support through “The Invocation of the Rose Cross” played a crucial role in stabilizing and enhancing this protective energy.

Another participant felt like they were receiving messages from higher consciousness, providing them with profound insights and guidance. They described a vision of the earth bathed in healing light, enveloping the planet in a nurturing and restorative glow. This experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, promoting healing and spiritual enlightenment. The Grand Master’s spiritual focus during “The Invocation of the Rose Cross” helped channel these messages, facilitating a clearer reception of cosmic guidance.

One participant experienced a surge of creative energy and inspiration, as if a wellspring of innovative ideas and artistic expression had been unlocked within them. This surge was accompanied by a profound sense of inner peace and stillness, grounding them in a state of tranquility. This experience and heightened awareness spread to benefit all of Europe, encouraging creativity and fostering a sense of calm and inspiration across the continent. The Grand Master’s remote practice of “The Invocation of the Rose Cross” helped direct this creative energy, ensuring it aligned with the spiritual principles embodied by the Kaelum Crystal.

The integration of the Grand Master’s distant support through “The Invocation of the Rose Cross” not only enhanced the effectiveness of our crystal activations but also deepened the spiritual experiences of all participants, spreading these elevated states of consciousness and well-being across Europe.


In conclusion, our recent mission in Paris was an extraordinary blend of spirituality, history, and cosmic alignment. Guided by the wisdom of the Seven Siddhas and the profound energies of the Luminara crystals, we embarked on a transformative three-day journey. Through specific spiritual practices and cosmic alignments, we harnessed and amplified the spiritual and energetic power of Paris. The activations, supported by Miki’s unique abilities and the dedicated Luminara Mission Support Team, brought about significant shifts in consciousness and energy, fostering peace, healing, and innovation across Europe. The unexpected support from the Grand Master of the Parisian Rosicrucian Society further amplified our efforts, showcasing the power of collective spiritual work. As we prepare for our next activations in Iceland and Budapest, we carry forward the profound insights and heightened awareness gained from this remarkable experience, ready to continue our mission of global spiritual awakening and transformation.

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