Buddha Dojo

Buddhist Wisdom with Ahjan Samvara

Welcome to Buddha Dojo! This blog, written by me, Ahjan Samvara, is a chronicle of my experiences after ending my 24 year career as the teacher of the Buddhist school I had founded. No longer teaching individual students about the pathway to Enlightenment, I now work for creating  world peace, uplifting humanitarian rights, and bringing about ecological harmony. Follow my blog and see how my life has transformed, and how I use my Buddhist insight to elevate the dharma of the world. 

Since I stopped teaching and took on this world-dharma work, I feel like I have stepped into a grand 
sci-fi fantasy movie. In the past I taught that awareness of UFOs, aliens, elves, dragons, ascended masters, cosmic crystals, and magical pearls was to be totally spaced-out. Now these things are my reality. They are my allies in my work to uplift the world. So now I say that I am properly spaced-out!

My posts are numbered. Read them sequentially to understand the context of the cosmic scope described, and the transformation of my understanding and awareness on this journey.   

The Cloud Pearl: Transformation and Immovable Wisdom of Fudō Myōō

The Cloud Pearl represents the profound energy of transformation and immovable wisdom, embodying the power of Fudō Myōō, one of the fiercest deities in esoteric Buddhism. Fudō Myōō...

The Rainbow Pearl: Compassion and Universal Blessings of Kannon

At the heart of Kyomizu-dera lies a powerful source of spiritual energy: the Rainbow Pearl. This precious pearl embodies the boundless compassion and universal blessings of Avalokiteshvara (known as...

The Moon Pearl: Hope and Unity

The Moon Pearl is associated with Miroku Bosatsu (弥勒菩薩), the future Buddha, who embodies hope, unity, and the promise of a new era of enlightenment. Miroku is prophesied to descend to Earth to usher...

Blue Pearl :Wisdom and Spiritual Balance

The Blue Pearl represents the vast and infinite wisdom of Kokūzō Bosatsu (Akashagarbha), the Bodhisattva of Boundless Space and Knowledge. This sacred pearl embodies the energy of profound wisdom and...

The Flame Pearl: Purity and Vows of Fugen Bosatsu

The Flame Pearl represents purity, sacred vows, and the spiritual energy of Fugen Bosatsu (普賢菩薩) in Shingon practice. This pearl embodies the radiant force of commitment, purifying body, mind, and...

Rainbow Pearl (Kannon Bosatsu – Compassion and Universal Blessings)

The Rainbow Pearl represents the boundless compassion and blessings of Kannon Bosatsu, known as Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. This sacred pearl holds the energy of...

The Water Pearl: Wu Wei and Mirror-like Wisdom of Ashuku Nyorai

The Water Pearl embodies the serene and unwavering nature of Ashuku Nyorai , the Buddha of Mirror-like Wisdom. His energy within this pearl represents clarity of perception and the ability to act...

The Purple Pearl: Mysticism and Magic of Fukūjōju Nyorai

The Purple Pearl embodies the mystical, magical, and miraculous powers of Fukūjōju Nyorai, the Buddha of Unfailing Action in Shingon Buddhism. This sacred pearl holds within...

The Green Pearl: Ecological Balance

The Green Pearl embodies the essence of Hōshō Nyorai, the Buddha of precious wisdom, abundance, and equality. As the radiant presence of Hōshō Nyorai resides within the Green Pearl, it holds the power...